Chelsea show Celtic how painless it can be to sack a club legend

Originally published at: Chelsea show Celtic how painless it can be to sack a club legend - 67 Hail Hail

I’m not normally one to keep a close eye on the actions of Chelsea or the career of Frank Lampard. I am a Celtic supporter after all. However, when they announced the exit of their head coach this morning, it piqued my interest for a couple of reasons. First, it’s always interesting to see what…

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That really is illuminating when you consider that Lampard is maybe Chelsea’s best ever player

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Yip and as much as I loved Neil as a player (somewhat under rated) and a great captain I’ve never been that convinced in the managerial role. It could also be argued that Lampard holds an even higher relative status than Neil.

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It is how business is concluded in a professional way
Celtic Footbal club is a business ,and the board could learn a lot here, swift decisive action ,no melodrama .sending strong message to all, We do not accept the standard that our team is playing ,and the results which we are achieving. Time for change

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Agreed 100%, Celtic could learn from what Chelsea have done here

I can remember Frank Lampard spending a holiday on Roman Abramovich`s “yacht” (more like a cruise ship I read somewhere it has built in protection against aerial attack). Which came first friendship or the football club? Loyalty to Frank or the institutions eg the supporters of the club?

Neither…Saving FACE & BUSINESS with big Roman…no one pulls his trousers to his ankles