Frank McAvennie's latest attack on Celtic man is too absurd to ignore this time

Originally published at: Frank McAvennie's latest attack on Celtic man is too absurd to ignore this time

Who needs enemies when you have friends like this? That’s what I’m asking myself having read the absurd comments of Frank McAvennie regarding Celtic defender Anthony Ralston today. Now, I prefer to ignore negative punditry of a Celtic persuasion, especially if there’s nothing constructive about it at all. Unless there’s a laugh to be had…

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a truly shocking statement to make he should hang his head in shame.

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It’s Frankie Mac for F**k Sake. Hail Hail

Frank you to put dye on your heid not drink it :+1:

What a dumplin……should open his eyes…:clown_face:

We need to stop giving negative so up takers oxygen by reading what they write. The bitterness is embarrassing, they played for Celtic in a different time. The game has moved on bit they have not, the only pundits worth their salt is Sutton and Hartson. Nicholas, macavennie and commons? I couldn’t care less