I am a Republican,left wing Anti Fascist,Anti monarchist, old school socialist republican, I identify with the Ireland proclaimed in 1916 I’m also a passionate Celtic fan who has embraced the new direction Ange is taking the club down, I support the Green Brigade and our diversity, a club for all. And I ask impartially now 16 years from the end of armed conflict is it time to end the Rebel songs? The Celtic songbook is as varied as it ever was and do the Rebel songs have a place in Ange’s new Celtic, our roots must always be respected and honoured and never tarnished, the Irish flag has its place at Celtic park and I respect and admire our clubs irish identifi action and what Celtic have done to help and honour those who suffered through the occupation of the 32 and then 6 counties of Ireland. The new phase of the struggle for unification is political and covers the fight for republican government to bring about change in the North of ireland, and the war must never be repeated, we must always be rebels and remember those who laid the foundations for freedom and peace. I’d love to hear opinions on this.
Society has moved on and it’s high time some who support Celtic did too.
A Club for all?
I doubt there are many outside of our immediate Support who would agree with these songs in this day and age.
Not whilst the memories of weans and pregnant woman being blown up in the street are still lingering.
Ireland is trying to move on and build a better future and hope without another drop of innocent blood being spilled in the process.