Senior Police figure misses the point made by Celtic fans in spectacular fashion

Originally published at: Senior Police figure spectacularly misses the point made by Celtic fans

The Celtic fans v prominent cops debate rumbles on, and this time it’s the Scottish Police Federation’s David Hamilton missing the point. Hamilton, chair of the organisation, has branded Celtic fans “pathetic” and “bonkers”, in an act of bad faith PR so astounding as to only escalate the division. Celtic fans have been protesting against…

If we are to hire anybody might we not hire a retired QC who knows the law inside out and hopefully would be Celtic minded.


The old just-obeying-orders defence. :-/

Of course,Hamilton represents the polis who accompanied the peepul on their victory March from Liebrox to George Sq and watched as many broke several laws and trashed the place.Wonder why we don’t want one of the knuckle shufflers anywhere near a security job at Parkhead?

Polis are all Huns full stop. HH

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