Celtic fans sound their fury as Neil Lennon digs in, club fall silent and update indicates stay

Originally published at: Celtic fans sound their fury as Neil Lennon digs in, club fall silent and update indicates stay - 67 Hail Hail

It’s fair to say Celtic fans aren’t pleased with Neil Lennon right now. Even the most ardent of supporters have to acknowledge that his second spell has hit the buffers. For me, there’s no way back from here. The potential ten-in-a-row season is in tatters, the squad is in a precarious state heading into the…

Can’t really blame the fans for that reaction tbh

Niel you say you’ll stay as long as Celtic want you we the fans are Celtic and we no longer want you or is it you won’t leave without a pay off not really a Celtic man then are you

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You have missed the whole point …CELTIC do want him , Celtic being DD an Lawwell, these 2 have no interest in the fans , the followers , the heart of our Club

What has surprised me from these business men, is the balance sheet of the current situation , the plummeting values of our players , will continue as long as Neil is there, for me it makes business sense to pay Lennon off, and recoup with the return to form and value of players.
Short sighted , …nothing ever changes

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