I have to eat my words, Brendan

I for one was very critical of Brendan Rogers return To Celtic, it took a while but he got the team to play some really good football in the past two or three months.
Mainly down to the fact that we got our top players back from injury at exactly the right time.
The way we played against Kilmarnock was like watching the Ange team of old, slick fast and aggressive attacking football, exactly how we should be playing, brilliant stuff, exciting to watch.
I also think that he had to deal with a lot of injuries in the squad, which didn’t help the situation as he had to field a makeshift team throughout the first few months of his tenure.
He also had to deal with a lot of vitriol from supporters and pundits alike, myself included.
But at the end of the day, he has come good and delivered us the title and hopefully the cup as well.
If we can achieve the double then it hasn’t been a bad season.
Sorry for doubting you, Brendan. :four_leaf_clover:

I too am having a good slice of humble pie at the minute for all my negativity regarding this season and the manager.

The one we wanted (league title) has come and it was through no more than the sheer effort and quality the players found to bounce back after our little blip.

Key injuries returning at the right time defo helped too but the squad as a whole showed how well drilled they are to win on the domestic front.

Let’s hope with our Champions League spot and financial rewards, we can start bringing in the next level of quality to see us gain respectable results on the continent next season. If that quality comes in, I’d also hope we start making an effort to truly finish TRIFC 2012 like we should have done years ago when they gained promotion to the SPFL Premiership.

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We appear to be on the same wave length concerning the Champions league.
Some of the current squad in my opinion isn’t good enough for us to reach the required level to do well in that league.
I don’t think Bernardo, Kuhn, Oh, Iwata, or Holm are at the level that we need, so in my opinion we should let them go, not sure about Yang though as he hasn’t played enough for me to give a yes or no.
I really like Idah, if we can do a deal for him that would be great, as I think he has great potential.
If we can we should hold on to O’Riley, although that might be difficult if a big offer comes in for him, but he’s an asset we can ill afford to lose as far as I’m concerned, and the same goes for CCV.
But you are spot on, we need to bring in at least three or four tried and tested top quality player who can hit the ground running. :four_leaf_clover:

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The only way u can forgive Rodgers is he gets rid of the 2 donkeys he’s got as defence coaches Kennedy and Strachan that’s where the problem is.

are you being serious, Celtic’s defensive has been one of the best in the league this season.
The coaches can only do what they can do pre- match, on the field the players do the rest.
But the defence has been brilliant this season.
So why would you come out with this statement?

Scottish Premiership Defence Stats
Team Goals against Avg per game Clean Sheets
1 Celtic 30 0.79 15
2 Rangers 32 0.84 18
3 Hearts 42 1.11 16
4 Kilmarnock 44 1.16 14
5 Aberdeen 52 1.37 10
6 St Mirren 52 1.37 10
7 St Johnstone 54 1.42 8
8 Hibernian 59 1.55 10
9 Motherwell 59 1.55 3
10 Ross County 67 1.76 6
11 Dundee 68 1.79 11
12 Livingston 70 1.84 7

Cross balls into the box there’s panic every time opposition don’t take their chances Joe Hart doesn’t come 4 em when he does he flaps @ them he’s a great shot stopper but that’s his job but he’s never been good @ commanding his box .

That’s all very well but that doesn’t explain your statement about the coaches, which you called donkeys.

The reason we won the league is because we scored the most goals and conceded the least goals which says we had the best defence in the league, hence champions.

Just reading Rodgers words on returning to us and what it meant to him and his family. Shows his heart is really in it. Hopefully he can get more from our penny pinching (Peter Lawell heavily induced) board to get us on a better stage where the Scottish league is a side step and we start to regain our reputation as a good competing European team

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I agree, he really seems happy to be back, but being a bit of a cynic, how much of that statement is true and how much is just spin to keep the fans onside and happy, time will tell?
Hopefully the board will give him a healthy budget to bring in some quality players.
And also allow him to get rid of the deadwood of which there are plenty in my opinion. :four_leaf_clover:

Looks like young Vata could be away? I feel that’s a backwards step from the board and management.

Fair enough, Vata has a right to be miffed about a lack of first team football especially considering he’s sat on the bench watching jokers like Yang and Kuhn getting game time.

Vata would not be someone I’d consider in the “dead wood” band of individuals hanging around our club having the Gaul to claim a wage.

Hopefully the loss of Vata will stop the young “project” players being signed as they’re truly being wasted stuck very low in the pecking order behind some of our real wastes of money (desperate signings as the transfer window is almost closed and they’re the absolute toe nails or what’s left!)

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I can fully understand your frustration concerning Vata, I too think he is worth keeping but he’s now at a stage in his career where he wants to be playing consistently, which at this moment in time he’s not going to get at Celtic.
We also need to give more academy players a chance to come through to the first team.
Right now though the focus needs to be on bringing in quality in the shape of a really good goalkeeper plus 4 or 5 top players to bring us up to the next level to compete with the middle to top European teams in the Champions League.

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