Originally published at: https://www.67hailhail.com/news/legal-expert-claims-its-pretty-clear-that-celtic-would-win-the-premiership/
Legal expert Simon Leaf has stated it’s “pretty clear” who would win the league in Scotland as he provided some context on club’s entitlements should the season end early. There remains a massive debate over whether the season should end as is, or whether the entire campaign should be ruled null and avoid. The Premiership…
Surely a lot depends on EUFA. If they decide that the Champions League qualifying goes on as usual for next season, (obviously depending on the Corona situation at that point) Scotland will put forward one team and what team would that be to be crowned “Champions Elect”?
That’s a tremendous point Jim. So much more will be made clear tomorrow. For now it’s mostly just guesswork and trying to gather the thoughts of legal and financial experts to see how it affects Scottish football.
But it all comes down to principle for me. We’re 30 games through a season. That simply can’t just count for nothing.