Make Mine A Double Barman

Well it finally happened…
Celtic lost at Hampden for the first time since the Earth was “normal”.
Seventeen straight wins
Eleven clean sheets
Forty goals scored
Only 10 conceded.
It took a very good The 2angers team playing well to end it.
Celtic truth be told were a wee bit off the pace previously set in recent weeks and months.
A pace that has seen a rebuilt side under a new Manager playing a new dynamic style of football whilst coming off of what can only be described as a Season out of the blue.
We went into Sundays game very bhoyant indeed.
We had recently put them back in their box at “Fortress Ayebrokes “ and thus stretched our League lead to 6 points with 5 games remaining.
Now you can make excuses all you want for the rank rotten performance of the referee but the bottom line is and as Jock Stein rightly pointed out :

If you’re good enough, the referee doesn’t matter.
We simply weren’t good enough on the day.
It happens and in Cup ties as they all know too well over at the Fortress it can be very costly because unlike a League game you can’t put it right in the next one.
There isn’t a next one.

The 2angers now have a chance to win their first Scottish Cup.

Their fans will of course argue they are going for their 34th Scottish Cup or as it will be advertised in the main Scottish media outlets A New Govan World Record or something along those lines but the truth is no matter how you look at it that particular Trophy hasn’t been polished at Ayebrokes since Season 08-09 (which isn’t to be confused with 0898 which could link tae a different type of Cup Holder altogether).

This was the year of the Westminster Expenses Scandal and where Stacy was diagnosed as Bipolar in Eastenders.

Which if you think about it kind of reflects the situation as to why we have two Rangers,one unbroken history and one Rangers cult following.
Celtic are on course for a double and in doing so would deny The 2angers their first back to back Titles as an entity.
The fanbase of course haven’t seen one since 2011.

For the record Celtic have won all of them since bar the last one.
So it would appear things are kinda getting back to normal.
Celtic competing in the latter stages of Cup Competition whilst pushing for the Title.
Which given all of the challenges we had going into it is definitely something to get exited about.
The 2angers you see are at their very best at this moment having chucked an exorbitant amount of money at catching Scotland’s dominant force.
A loss making Entity from Day 1 Week 1 in 2012 a massive £107m has gone out the door in 9 years of Accounts.
That’s £107m after a further £67m has been injected via Loans for Equity swaps.
A whopping £174m in total to make The 2angers not only a viable challenger for Titles but also a force to reckoned with in Europe.
Now had Celtic decided to opt for a similar approach one can only imagine the side we would have assembled but more importantly retained.
But we didn’t and as a result we’ve had one bad year in 10 and look like we will be in a position of strength and have the finances to kick on in the Summer.
It remains to be seen what happens at Ayebrokes meanwhile should Champions League success become nothing more than a pipe dream.

As it was for Rangers.
In Liquidation.