That was some performance, It had the potential to be a Banana skin

Last night I watched a Celtic team I had never seen before.
A team and display I was desperate to see, and last night I saw it.
A team full of confidence and swagger, if I had turned on the TV and didn’t know this was a Scottish team I would have thought I was watching a really top European team, that’s how good Celtic were.
BR has got this team playing scintillating football, a real joy to watch.
From the new recruits to the regulars, everyone played their part in making last night really special.
A special mention must go to Arne Engels as he was immense, he was all over Bratislava like a rash.
WOW, what a buy, if he continues playing in that vein he will turn out to be Celtic’s best acquisition in years.
But on saying that, every single player played their skin out last night, to get five goals from five different players is quite incredible.
OK, some might say that Bratislava weren’t that great, but at the end of the day you can only play who’s in front of you, and Celtic treated them with the same respect that they would have given any other team.
We all know what’s happened in the past, where top European teams have given us a footballing lesson, well that’s exactly what we dished out to Bratislava, now their players and fans know what it feels like to be thrashed. But hopefully being well beaten in Europe is a thing of the past for this Celtic team?
Onward and upward for this exceptional group of players. :four_leaf_clover:

Seems like we have a good mix within our squad and can change things up a bit if we need to.

I don’t know what’s been said or done on the training ground but it’s working.

The players are working harder as well as adding a bit more quality to their play. I thought Idah’s goal vs St. Johnstone was class from everyone involved.

It might get boring leathering teams 4 and 5 nil weekly on the domestic front but that’s what we need if we’re to make that step up to show a bit of face in the Champions League.

To be honest, Jeemo I will never get bored with seeing us leathering teams in the SPFL by 4 or 5 nil as long as it includes the other team.
As far as the UCL goes, well that’s a totally different kettle of fish, not only are we stepping up a grade, but we’re stepping up two or three grades.
But, do you know what, I’ve never felt more confident about our team going into this game.
We can beat this team, as long as we believe in our quality, and the fact that BD are not playing on all cylinders right now.
This is our best chance to progress in Europe for many years,
because we now have strength and depth in the team, quality all over the pitch, from the magical gloves of Schmeichel right through to the magical boot’s of Kyogo and Idah + the two greyhounds on the wings of Maeda and Kuhn.
And possibly the strongest midfield and defence since the early 2000’s.
We could never be more ready. :muscle:
We just need to believe in our talent. Because the team is oozing with it. :clap:
Easier said than done, I know that, but the time is now. :timer_clock:
LET’s DO IT. Come on you Bhoys! :four_leaf_clover:

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Back to getting leathered in Europe again!

What a disaster of a first half in Dortmund.

The formation is not working. We need to go 4-4-2 to cope with their wide men.

That’s us well and truly put in our place.
It’s a fact that we will never be able to compete against teams that can afford to spend 200m on players.
It’s no disgrace when you consider the miniscule amount of money we have available to spend on our team.
We cannot allow this to deter us, we can still do well in the rest of the fixtures.
Brendan Rogers needs to lift the team up now, and instil into them that this is only a setback, nothing more, nothing less.
Humbling yes, upsetting yes, disappointing definitely, but this is Celtic, we pick ourselves up and move forward with our heads held high.
I had a bad feeling about tonight, so I decided to concentrate on my hobby, which is internet chess tournaments online.
But it got to the stage where I just had to look, and when I saw we were 5.1 down I was gutted but not truly shocked.
This will not crush us, I still love this Club and always will. :grinning: :four_leaf_clover:

I too am a loyal fan of our club and know we are nowhere near the top teams in Europe, this is where we need to find our “flaws” and work on them.

Totally different game for us in that the opposition came at us, exploited our wingbacks, were super precise in their passing and scored with most of their opportunities.

No team in Scotland will ever come at us like that. To me we’re in a catch 22 situation there?

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What I’m going to do now is stay away from the anti-Celtic Scottish press.
The last thing I need to read is how bad we played, how naive we were,
how we capitulated after the first goal, and all the blah blah blah that the Scottish press and so-called pundits love to aim at our team after scenarios like this.
It won’t alter the fact though that we are still far and away the top team in Scotland by a Scottish mile. :four_leaf_clover:

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