The SFA are totally impotent

As I’ve said in the past, and I’ll say it again, what is the point of the SFA reviewing the Hibs incident.
I can understand it if they had the power to overturn a decision.
But they don’t, so it’s all a complete waste of time.
VAR should never have looked at this, as we don’t have goal line technology.
It was impossible to tell whether the ball was in our out without the aforementioned technology in place.
The referee made a terrible decision, and he is rightly taking the flack for it, he just guessed and got it totally WRONG.
The goal should have stood.

Problem is, the ref won’t lose any sleep over it (tucked up tight in his TRIFC 2012 blanket) and will be allowed to carry on regardless.

The guy was only doing the honest thing and trying to save Clement’s job.

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